I walked out of the hospital at noon today. Heart surgery was yesterday at 9am. Friend Danielle spent the night with me at the hospital and was kind enough to bring me home. Less lucid today, but I feel INCREDIBLE. There is a core strength in my body that I've never felt before. It's like someone gave me rockstar abs and a spine. I didn't realize I'd feel a difference this soon.
The incisions are small, but because they cut into the major leg vein, it is a little more tender than I expected. I can't really bend my leg right now. I'm hobbling around like Captain Barbarossa.
My doting roommate Jill ordered this adorable stuffed anim-um... organ for me. Totally made my day. Isn't it amazing? I love her guts.
I feel extremely loved... People I barely even know have appeared out of nowhere to support me in my "recovery". (Oh, I have been terribly wounded, yes. Feed me your fresh delicacies and rub my feet. Love me, and let me have work off so I can take long naps.) One friend brought me homemade carrot juice (yummy!). Someone else brought me strawberries. Mandy gave me pink flying squirrel plush with a super creepy laugh. Mannu gave me a snowglobe. ^_^
And now I'm going to snuggle up and take a long nap in the ginormous fuzzy pink blanket with hearts sewn on that a group of my favorite friends made for me.
Chapter 1 - I Work in a Cubicle