It's a lovely city, full of lights. Built by minds, obviously -- all perpendicular lines & electricity. But every once in a while, a piece of handspun wonder catches my eyes and I see in the crudeness of the creation, the creator behind it. (Did I mention all the flowers?!)   People here rush, but I don't think they are eager to be where they are going... mostly just afraid of what might catch up with them if they slowed down. That is what strikes me most about this city -- people have stopped SEEKING. I feel it in the hobo puke on the sidewalk. And in the embarrassed eyes of the honest man who was grateful someone smiled at him.

2 Responses so far.

  1. TJ says:

    From whence did you send this gem?

  2. Unknown says:

    From San Diego. =) I mailed it off before I left the city.

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