Everybody gets old! This is one of the oversights of most bucket lists I've seen: They only give you things to do that make sense when you are fit, fertile, and have the rest of your career to pay off any debts you acquire.

"Old age has it's pleasures, which, though different, are not unequal to the pleasures of youth."  - W. Somerset Maugham 
I am collecting a list of treasured experiences available only to the dying and decrepit. If you have suggestions, by all means! I'd love to hear them. ^_^

  1. Do random ninja rolls in public
  2. Do something memorable and bold with my hair (like an anime haircut)
  3. Go back to college and learn learn learn. Earn a Ph.D.
  4. Play on toys that didn't exist a decade before
  5. Wear whatever clothes I want. Pirate clothes, 18th century ball gowns, fairy godmother outfits... whatever makes me happy whenever I feel like it. Things that make me want to frolic. Mix it up. Then do stuff like this: http://mylifeisaverage.com/story/3113672/ 
  6. Die penniless. ("The man who dies rich dies disgraced." Andrew Carnegie) 

Don't miss my other bucket lists! (They are a lot cooler right now)


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