(Things that should be on everyone's list... You haven't really lived until you've done these)
Figure out who I am
Give the coat off my back
Adopt at least one child
Make antibubbles
Visit the Waitomo Glowworm cave in New Zealand
Live for a month without a clock, watch, calendar
Conquer my eating disorder forever (“Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.” ― Aberjhani, The River of Winged Dreams)
Feel incredibly sexy (Thank you)
Open my 7 Chakras (from Avatar: The Last Airbender cartoon series. ^_^)
Shower under a waterfall
Find 5 things that give you a sense of your comparative cosmic minisculity (swim with a great blue whale, walk to the top of the world’s tallest building, look through a big ‘ol telescope in an observatory, walk across a country, Stand at the edge of a cliff that overlooks an unforgettable vista
THEN have a George Bailey experience, where you discover 5 things that make you feel needed, valuable, and irreplaceable… Things that make you realize that you are a vital part of the positive balance of your world.
Find and use 50 non-destructive expressions of anger
Hike Mt. Timpanogos (I blew bubbles from the top)
Jump off a cliff
Hold a baby orangutan
Catch fireflies
Read 1,000 books
Touch a real, breathing tiger
Learn to DANCE till I’m not ashamed to do it anywhere
Donate bone marrow
Live for a year in another country
Feed someone who is hungry
Abandon all insecurities (especially as it relates to doing things I want to do without waiting for someone to do it with me)
Hunt and clean a large animal. Use all the parts. (develop respect for meat)
Make someone so happy they cry ^_^
Ride a galloping horse with my eyes closed (and if I get the chance, race one on the beach)
Celebrate romance romantically – Develop a habit of startling my loved one with unexpected moments of awareness of how valuable they are.
Get totally lost with a friend
Graffiti something
Write a hymn (Now record it)
Read the entire Bible. Compare it to religious texts from around the world (
Tao te Ching [SO awesome], Qur'an, Bhagavad Gita, Zorastrian texts, etc)
Do something impossible (I changed the past)
Dedicate about 5 years of my life to simple living in a quiet place, gardening, meditating, reading, and just appreciating life.
Play all day with someone twice my age
Learn something profound from someone half my age
Race a dogsled
Milk a cow by hand (almost done this. I milked a goat... ^_^)
Save someone’s life
Blow bubbles from the very top of the Eiffel tower
Live in a home I helped build with my own hands
Give someone something they can’t give themselves
Stick my foot in wet cement
Go ice caving
Learn to play the cello
Cross the Minnesota state line with a duck on top of my head (is against the law… ^_^)
Be featured on TED
Visit the aurora borealis in person
See a moonbow
Eat ice cream cone with ice cream in it upside down
Watch a spider spin a web
Learn to speak 5 Languages: Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, German, and Khmer
Make a bosom friend in the Hunza Valley in Northern Pakistan (believed to be the inspiration for Shangri-la in Lost Horizon)
See something truly majestic (a change of heart)
Plant fruit trees every place I live
Run through a cornfield
See Les Miserable
go couchsurfing
earn an epic tan... a real one from the sun.
get a Mohawk
Run a marathon in the Sahara
Hijack a local radio station with squirt guns and tell the audience that you are kidnapping the DJ until he gives you concert tickets
Master stand-up comedy
Communicate with someone without sharing a common spoken language
Find Meagan, my first childhood friend
Give Free Hugs in a country not my own with a sign in a language I don’t speak
Play Calvinball (wear masks)
Learn to play a sport I didn’t know existed
Go sailboating and learn how to manage the craft
Make friends with someone who has the same name as me and find out why I am still unique
Give birth naturally and/or
Give birth with dolphins
Send a message in a bottle
Age gracefully
Get CPR and WFR certified
Be debt free
Learn to save and invest wisely, become a millionaire, then do amazing things with it. (Jacob 2:17-19)
Meditate in a cherry blossom garden in Japan
Participate in a 24-hour-create-something-awesome-as-a-team challenge
Forget my own birthday
Dance the funky chicken on my 50th wedding anniversary
Wear a yin-yang piece of jewelry until it falls off irreparably
Watch myself have heart surgery
Attend Loy Krathong, the sky lantern festival in Thailand
make a crop circle
Allow myself to make mistakes
Partner yoga
Do something I wouldn’t normally do just because it doesn’t matter one way or the other.
Live somewhere different long enough to pick up an awesome accent
Do something not because I want attention but just because it’s the right thing to do
Return everything I’ve borrowed but forgot to give back
Put an antique trunk in my attic that is locked up mysteriously, hide all the keys, put something awesome inside, and never answer my kids about what is inside it. Basically, give my kids a real-life mystery thrill. ^_^
Play 1,000 pranks
Get trained in microexpression reading
Develop emotional intelligence and learn the art of emotional coaching
Live for 24 hours as if they were my last – In fact, maybe make this the way I celebrate my birthday every year.
Learn to be comfortable shooting pictures of people I have tender feelings for
Go blind for a month (use blind contacts designed for theater)
Make my own fortune cookies from scratch and hand them out
Witness the butterfly migration in Monterey, CA
Make my mom feel loved and completely accepted
Make a tradition of telling stories and reading books to my children.
Go sand sledding
Celebrate Christmas in a summery place
Complete Mahoney’s First Concerto (Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium)
Come up with a nightly winding down routine and stick to it for a year
Get Semilunar Biopsy Repair either disproved or accepted by the medical community
do a 365 project
Find a perfume that makes me really happy, or make my own
Hug the man who started free hugs! ^_^
Celebrate my birthday like a 4-year old (I want a dinosaur-shaped birthday cake, superman icecream, pin the tail on the donkey, a water fight with a kiddie pool, and I want to give everyone who comes presents I made for them)
Participate in a massive, feathers-flying pillow fight (International Pillow Fight Day)
Deliberately stand next to a huge puddle in a busy street to get soaked
Laughter yoga!
Hear the boy’s choir sing at the morning festival in England (Shadowlands)
Go scuba diving (because before I had heart surgery it would have killed me)
Experience flight... Either paraglide in an epic mountain range like the Alps or... something.
Participate in a really awesome flash mob (Pirates night will count!)
Learn the ninja roll
Have a pet female capuchin monkey named Sensei
Learn to walk on stilts
Salute the sun on every continent (North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica)
Experience a day of perfect health
Publish a book
Swim in a place where the ocean is so clear I can float and it looks like I’m levitating
Record a CD of songs I’ve written
Take a chemistry class where I get to blow things up
Stop and listen to a street musician for three full songs
Accomplish something I once believed to be impossible for me (Surf, walk on my hands, 10 pull-ups...)
Attend church with a black soul-singing congregation
Acquire the skill of cinematography and then make a full-length documentary. Doesn't have to solve world peace... Can even be a documentary of my kids. But document something that matters.
Host a break-even lemonade stand
Do a photo-essay of 100 shots all taken upside down
Street photograph for at least one day
Earn another name (like the ASL culture of earning a name… someone has to give it to you)
Make my journey to Mecca (Most people don’t get major opportunities to travel, so find one place on the planet that is your holy ground… The birth place of whatever in your life brings you the greatest peace. Sacrifice to go there, and come back a better person.) For me, this is India.
Dress up epically for Halloween and trick-or-treat for a kid who’s stuck in the hospital
Write letters to people I haven’t met yet. Deliver them when I do.
Ride an elephant
Swim with bioluminescent plankton
Celebrate The Festival of Colors in India
Get rid of all my inauthentic clothes
Raise my children bilingual
Play Twister with paint blobs
Stomp grapes
Make someone laugh so hard they wet their pants
Cry so hard I laugh
Host a couchsurfer from another country
Acknowledge 10 of my great fears and face them - “See what you are afraid of!”
Raise a family
Plant as many trees as I will use in my lifetime
Wear out a pair of pants in one day
Have a yard I never have to mow
Snorkel-explore an underwater sculpture park
Team into the The Battle of the Oranges in Italy
Help the person who lives next door in a significant way
Invent an awesome holiday and make it an annual family tradition
Shoot “The Hope That Is In Us” resurrection photography project I started
Do the work of an untouchable for a day
Complete my bachelor’s degree (because education is the #1 regret for older people). Pursue a Masters.
Restore someone’s faith in humankind
Send an oddly-shaped package in the mail
Leave a present in the mailbox for the mailman during the Christmas season when his route is hardest.
Photograph lightning
eat roadkill
Help plant fields in India during their annual monsoons
Also attend the monsoon festival
Read a full book of Thoreau’s. I love every quote of his that I’ve ever run across. Time to read a full work.
Read The Little Prince
Experience a full solar eclipse
Songkran in Thailand (Mid-April, world’s biggest waterfight, lasts 3 days!)
12 years of Ninja classes in lieu of PE for my kids and neicphews. (stealth, self-defense, parkour, use of ancient weaponry, etc.) Participate in it and become the ultimate ninja.
Wear happy-colored converse shoes till I wear holes in 'em.
Carve my name into a tree
Learn to fly a small open plane. Then actually fly it in the clouds during an epic sunset.
Exchange locks of hair with someone I love deeply
If space-faring tech becomes commercially viable in my lifetime as I suspect it will, see the earth from space.
“Drive” a self-driving car
Wear an invisibility cloak
Experience an anechoic chamber
Take a mediation certification course
Learn to play the hang
Visit Denmark's Natural history museum
Hike across Kauai, Hawaii
Participate in a polar bear plunge
Buy a Veteran a drink and listen to their stories
Learn how to lucid dream
Try vegemite
Climb the rigging and set the sail on a tall ship
Sleep all night on the beach
Guerrilla poetry date (leave inspirational poems in random places. Try to sneak them into people's purses and stuff. Anti pick-pocketing)
Send a message in a bottle
Climb Squaw Butte and leave a letter for my children in the letterbox
Learn to spin fire / fire poi
Fly a plane. Do a barrel roll.
Spend a month living with real gypsies
Shoot a flaming arrow
White water rafting
Whittle my possessions down to only 100 things
Publish a photo in National Geographic
Watch the entire Planet Earth series
See Cirque de Soliel
Start a food fight
Win NaNoWriMo
Eat outside my comfort zone
Hike an active volcano (Pacaya?)
Tie a rope swing over water
Learn to give epic and soul-rejuvenating massages
Climb Mt. Olympus dressed in a toga. Eat pomegranates, greek yogurt, fruit nectar, and ambrosia at the summit.
Participate in a candlelight vigil
Be greeted with a lei in Hawaii
Host kin reunions every 2-3 years throughout my life (Kin – Not just blood relations. Anyone that you understand and have an understanding with)
Build up a static charge and kiss somebody
Play an elaborate time travel joke
Catch fish with my bare hands
My one hesitation about this list?
I don't actually believe my life is about me... =/
And the day I finally figure that out... I think that's the day I'll really start to live.
So here's to the search for genuine selflessness
and to keeping my selfish self sane until I learn how to love.
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